Scented with lemon and thyme, our gorgeous new perseverance candles feature the Buddhist saying, "If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking." Created for my own work and journey, I hope it will aid yours as well.
Saturday's Full Moon and lunar eclipse provide a powerful time to set intentions and practice discernment. Our candles are here to help! Enjoy FREE SHIPPING over $50 with coupon code FULLMOON at now through 6/26. Plus, get a free self-nurture candle with orders over $75.
About This Full Moon
The message is clear both individually and globally: radical shifts are occurring. Things are a-movin' and a-shakin', waking us all up to new levels of awareness and action. I've excerpted a large chunk of this article by Maurice Fernandez below, as it resonates so clearly and succinctly:
Anything can happen during eclipses—it is literally a time for divine intervention and therefore unexpected and powerful occurrences can manifest, on both personal and collective levels. It is common to experience that things happen very fast and that the course of action is re-routed during such a time. Eclipses can bring solutions and amazing inspiration, as well as potential shake-ups. Because it is such a potent time, I strongly encourage focus on prayer, meditation, and setting intentions because gates open during this time. The flow of energy can be considerable and therefore destruction is definitely possible, but it can also bring completely new breakthroughs and manifest things that were long waited for from one moment to the next. What is worth remembering is that eclipses activate emotions powerfully, and so it is a time to mark intentions because it is through emotions that we register existence.
As 2010 is geared to be a year for transition, everyone is or will be on the move or adjusting to new circumstances. As I mentioned in the previous note, this is not a year to seek security in the material world because there is absolutely no stability—security can either be found through physical motion and creativity or through spiritual connection.
Have you felt a need to reinvent yourself or embark on new ventures? If so, you are in tune with what is going on…yet, the evolutionary incentive here is to learn proper action and not simply burst forward. Uranus is the planet that represents the higher mind, the conscious self, the greater perspective; in the sign of Aries, it calls upon us to observe the way we act and requires that if progress be made, action must be conscious. In other words, we cannot simply repeat the same patterns on different stages—a completely different approach and mode of action is required.
I think the message is clear that we are now in a period of accelerated changes. Because of this, there is much confusion, restlessness, and insecurity, along with strong impatience to see the transformation happen. The way to make sense of things and to really use this time to our advantage begins with solidarity and cultivating a support system—we have to be there for one another…it is fundamental: confront but seek understanding; denounce, but do not exempt yourself from examination; change, but do not expect perfection. Remain firm, truthful, and heart-centered, but importantly, do not take yourself too seriously. With true humility, true guidance comes; then the power of manifestation is without bounds.
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