even if it's not possible
to start completely over,
there is still this:
the day, opening into itself
and you, parting the curtains,
seeing all that light come in.
– Maya Stein
I snapped this photo from my bedroom window a few minutes ago, on this frigid 10° first day of 2011. It's a quiet, pressure-free morning at Chez Blažková, just how I like it. Snuggles and kisses with Silas. Belly full of warm food and freshly squeezed orange juice. Prayers prayed. Favorite morning mix CD, courtesy of Lisa Evans, playing. New calendars hung. A few tears shed, missing Lucy. Some poetry. Gratitude.
I don't know what 2011 will hold. I'm not going to proclaim its sensationalism, predict its kick-assedness, or pronounce my wishes for you. They are your own to nurture and claim.
What I am going to do is greet each day and live each day to the best of my ability. Some days I'll touch thousands, some days I'll be still and simply receive. Most days will vary in between. It's all good enough. My job, every day, is simply an ongoing prayer and listening for God's will for me, and the power to carry it out.
Rather than resolutions or even intentions, which feel flimsy and thus easily abandoned, I have a list of To-Do's for 2011. Some are private, but here are a few:
- Join the Y
- Paint my bedroom (eggplant)
- Shoot new candle photos for zenamoon.com
- Talk to back neighbor about replacing fence
- Talk to Ron H & Julie Z about photography
- Send fan mail to Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir
- Setup shop on myshopify or etsy to sell prints
- Do the Valley Girl Triathlon and run a 5K
- Eat more veggies
I need gentle structure and parameters to help move me forward, to continue growing and opening and becoming the woman God intends me to be. My Ego isn't running the show; in fact, it often cuts the lights and sends the audience home. For me, it's about getting out of the way, letting God do God's job, and doing what's in front of me. No grandstanding, or Great Big Plans, just cultivating my gifts, enjoying my life, and as John O'Donohue wrote, living "like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding." For me, it's about allowing, being kind, serving others, living frugally and simply, and stepping into that Light.
In the Mind of God, there is a fully created image of you at your most creative, abundant and joyful. And there is a divine blueprint by which this image would take form in your life. It is not something you can MAKE happen, but it is something you can ALLOW to happen, by making the softening of your heart your primary goal. This is the meaning of spiritual surrender.
– Marianne Williamson
Allow is my word for 2011. Yes, allow it is and allow it shall be.
OH, I love it Carla. It goes with Patti Digh's "Letting Go..of Striving" essay so beautifully.
I was also thinking of "allow" but chose differently (I'll post it later)--and also considered but ultimately rejected "unfolding" and "unfurling". I was wanting a word that captures the spirit of "allow" but incorporated some other things too. Anyway, "allow" is wonderful!! 2011 will be an "allowing" year of trust and surprises...Happy New Year and much love to you this year and always, xoO
Posted by: Olivia Brown | Saturday, January 01, 2011 at 12:50 PM
Okay, here it is, Carla, and it goes with yours in all sorts of interesting ways:
http://bit.ly/fm34Kz Hope it makes sense! Blessings, O
Posted by: Olivia Brown | Saturday, January 01, 2011 at 05:40 PM
happy new year carla! i've been burning the beautiful new year candle from zena moon yesterday & today. it's helping me focus b/c my 2011 didn't start off all that great. it can only get better!
Posted by: Alane | Sunday, January 02, 2011 at 07:28 AM
I find such peace and strength in your writing, Carla. Happy New Year to you and yours.
Posted by: Samosas ForOne | Monday, January 03, 2011 at 02:13 PM