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Saturday, January 01, 2011


Olivia Brown

OH, I love it Carla. It goes with Patti Digh's "Letting Go..of Striving" essay so beautifully.

I was also thinking of "allow" but chose differently (I'll post it later)--and also considered but ultimately rejected "unfolding" and "unfurling". I was wanting a word that captures the spirit of "allow" but incorporated some other things too. Anyway, "allow" is wonderful!! 2011 will be an "allowing" year of trust and surprises...Happy New Year and much love to you this year and always, xoO

Olivia Brown

Okay, here it is, Carla, and it goes with yours in all sorts of interesting ways:
http://bit.ly/fm34Kz Hope it makes sense! Blessings, O


happy new year carla! i've been burning the beautiful new year candle from zena moon yesterday & today. it's helping me focus b/c my 2011 didn't start off all that great. it can only get better!

Samosas ForOne

I find such peace and strength in your writing, Carla. Happy New Year to you and yours.

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Oh Yes

  • "When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life."
    —Jean Shinoda Bolen

Carla Blazek


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