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Wednesday, January 16, 2008



I used to work for a trade magazine and worked with many wholesalers who produced journals and other products. You could check out their website that lists a Buyer's Guide of various wholesalers. The website is http://www.newageretailer.com/PageID/248/default.aspx, and then you can search by product category. They also have their magazine online, so you can flip through the magazine to see if you can find any other companies. Another company you can try is Heartful Art. I love her artwork, but I'm not sure if she produces journals. Wholesalecrafts.com is another site you could check out. The site lists a variety of individual artists, so you might find some really neat artwork there. Some artists license their art, so that's another option for you. Let me know if I can help with anything else :) I'll let you know if I can think of anyone else :) Good luck!


I have been making hand bound books for a few years mostly for friends and gifts. I've taken several classes at Minnesota Center for books Arts. I'd be happy to send you a sample of my work. Just let me know........


Hi Carla,

Etsy might have what you are looking for. It's a site where everything is handmade and there are some beautiful journals there at prices you are looking for. Here's the link: http://www.etsy.com/ Just do a search for journal. Hope this helps. :)



Hi Carla,
Anahata Khatkin at Papayalicious has gorgeous 5 by 7 jounals which retail for $12.50; I know they wholesale.



Hmmm...I make one-of-a-kind funky journals :)) Most of mine are 8x10 but I'd love to take a shot at something smaller.

eileen (the dream)

I could do little paintings. If interested, let me know. That would SO rock!


Hi Carla

Try Nicole from The Modern Goddess, she's just launched a new journal with a CD ... http://www.journalsforempowerment.com/our-journals/modern-goddess.htm



Carla, I have been reading your blog for some time and have on and off participated in sacred life sunday. Well I have a new blog for my Creative Every Day 2008 challenge and I've included Sacred Life Sunday. Come by and visit


Hey Carla, it is Sunday here in Australia and I have my Sacred sunday up!


You could check out Brush Dance - i'm the art director and lead designer there - it's not woman owned but is completely women run, and a small biz. http://brushdance.stores.yahoo.net/journal.html

Reflections Journals, or Illustrated journals could work for you, and there are wholesale terms. I can send you some samples if you are interested (send me an e-mail). Good luck finding the perfect thing!


I came to your comments to recommend Jane's journals. They are great! And I see she has already replied to you!

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  • "When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life."
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